Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ogopogo- North American Loch Ness

God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:21

     The Loch Ness monster has long been sighted and documented in Loch Ness. Even in the Middle Ages this creature was sighted up until recent times there have been many sightings tough many being hoaxes. In fact expeditions have been held to try to find this elusive creature that is or was most likely a plesiosaur and many were quite unsuccessful coming back with little to no evidence. Unless this creature has a secret tunnel into the ocean it is most likely extinct.

     His lesser known cousin may still lurk in the bottom of a lake but on the other side of the Atlantic! The Ogopogo is lesser known but still as interesting and may still be living counterpart of Old Nessie. It was first sighted by the First Nations people in Canada. This cryptid is said to inhabit the Okanagan Lake in British Columbia. Karl Shuker a British cryptozoologist belives the Ogopogo to be a primitive serpentine whale such as the Basilosaurus. Many of the sightings could be logs or other well known species of native wildlife such as otters. I believe there is substantial evidence to give credibility to this beast.
    In 1926 thirty cars claimed to have seen this animal. Thirty cars that seems to rule out the idea of a lie or hallucinations, which most likely means there was something out there the questions is what. There have been many sightings and even photographs of this creature but none were completely clear to tell if it was a sea monster. A website tough by the name of  claims to have photographs of the beast but have not released yet. Another interesting story is of a man by the name of Michael Zaiser who claims to posses a clear image of the Ogopogo and his proof is that he saw and was sure the creature was not human made and also it was in 1996 where digitally altering images was harder. Here is the link to the article Zaiser Film

    Until this creature is found and ultimately proven to the scientific community it will remain a cryptid, much like the okapi tough maybe someday in the near future the Ogopogo will become unhidden and known to the scientific community.

Thank you

"Ogopogo Monster feeding on fish" ,February, 1996. Used with permission of Michael Zaiser.

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